Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Everglades national park

The site is at the southern tip of Florida has been called the 'river of grass flowing imperceptibly from the hinterland into the sea'. Various remarkable water habitats has made it a sanctuary for a large number of birds and reptiles, as well as for endangered species like the manatee.
Everglades National Park is the largest designated subtropical wilderness reserves in the North American continent. Point on the interface America and sub-tropical, freshwater and brackish, shallow bays and deeper coastal waters create a complex habitat that supports a high diversity of flora and fauna. It contains the largest mangrove ecosystem in the Western Hemisphere, stand Sawgrass prairies largest and most significant breeding ground for wading birds in North America.Criteria(Viii) the Everglades is, broad almost flat, which drowned the seabed at the end of the last Ice Age. Lime substrate is one of the most active areas of modern carbonate sedimentation.(Ix) Everglades contains vast subtropical wetland ecosystems and coastal / marine including freshwater marshes, where the tropical hardwood hammock, pine rocklands, extensive mangrove forests, saltwater marshes, and seagrass ecosystems is important for commercial fisheries and recreational. Complex biological processes ranging from basic algal associations through higher species and eventually to the major predators such as crocodiles, alligators, and Florida panther; food chain amazingly clear and unbroken.Mixed species of subtropical and temperate wildlife found nowhere else in the United States.(X) Everglades National Park is an important example of a biological process that layak.Berbagai tremendous water habitats has made it a sanctuary for a large number of birds and reptiles and provides refuge for more than 20 rare, endangered and threatened species. These include the Florida panther, snail kite, crocodile, crocodile, and manatee. It provides important habitat for foraging and breeding ground for more than 400 species of birds, including the most significant breeding ground for wading birds in North America and is a major corridor for migration.Description
Everglades National Park is located at the southern tip of peninsular Florida. The park is bounded by the Gulf of Mexico to the west, the Tamiami Trail and the ground state mainly to the north and the Florida Keys to the south and south-east. This includes most of Florida Bay. Biosphere reserves include the Dry Tortugas National Park, a group of seven coral reefs and the surrounding herd, coral reefs and waters.Everglades National Park is a shallow basin sloping to the south-west and underlain by extensive Pleistocene limestone with oolitic and bryozoan facies. Park serves as an important area to recharge the Biscayne Aquifer, the main source of fresh water for Miami and southeast Florida. It lies at the interface between temperate and subtropical America and between freshwater and brackish, shallow bays and deeper coastal waters, thus creating a complex habitat that supports a high diversity of flora and fauna. Areas of transition from freshwater (glades) to saltwater (mangrove) is a highly productive zone that incubates a large number of economically valuable crustaceans. Vegetation and flora of southern Florida has fascinated scientists and naturalists since their discovery and is the main reason for the formation of the park. One cause of this attraction is the presence of a high percentage of species of the West Indies. An important feature is the rather high level of endemism lokal.Hammock or tree islands dominated by the proximity of the two types of wood from tropical and subtropical regions. Mangrove trees are the most important thing is, taxa, slash pine and cypress. Grassland can be dominated by Sawgrass, muhley grass, or cordgrass in coastal areas.Everglades protects 800 species of vertebrate land and water, including more than 14 species are endangered, and 25 mammals, more than 400 species of birds, 60 species of known reptiles, amphibians and insects, including two species of swallowtail butterflies are threatened. More than 20 species of snakes have been recorded, including the threatened indigo snake. More than 275 species of fish known from the Everglades, most inhabit marine and estuarine waters. Some species are important game species that attract thousands of anglers to the park. During the fall of the procession continued to singers and other migrants flying over or resting on the islands.The park is rich in both prehistoric and historical heritage: it contains 200 known archaeological sites. A group of Native Americans, Miccosukee tribe of Florida, has a special use permit area within the park. Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park at, is the biggest brick fortress in America. It is large enough to garrison 1,500 men, but never engaged in combat, although it did secure the post for Union troops during the Civil War and later served as a prison. The northern boundary of the park is maintained by the Miccosukee Indians under special use permit for community development.Sources: UNESCO / CLT / WHC
Declared a national park on December 6, 1947 in May 1934 under an Act of Congress.The park was accepted as a biosphere reserve in 1976, written on the World Heritage List in 1979, and designated a Ramsar site (Wetland International Significance) in 1987. The total area of ​​national parks increase in 1989 from its original size of 566, 788ha for the current size.Sources: Evaluation Advisory Body

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Humberstone and santa laura

Humberstone and Santa Laura works contain over 200 former saltpeter works where workers from Chile, Peru and Bolivia lived in company towns and forged a distinctive communal culture pampinos. That culture manifest in their rich language, creativity, and solidarity, and, above all, in their pioneering struggle for social justice, which have a major impact on the history sosial.Terletak in the remote Pampas, one of the driest desert on Earth, thousands of lives pampinos and work in a hostile environment for over 60 years, from 1880, to process the largest deposit of saltpeter in the world, producing the fertilizer sodium nitrate to convert agricultural land in North and South America, and in Europe, and produce great wealth for Chile Because the vulnerability of structures and the impact the recent earthquake, the site was also placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger to help mobilize resources for conservation.

Criterion (ii): The development of saltpeter industry reflects the combined knowledge, skills, technology, and financial investment from a diverse community of people brought together from all over South America, and from Europe. Saltpeter industry became a large complex of cultural exchange in which ideas quickly absorbed and exploited. The two works represent this process.Criterion (iii): saltpeter mines and the towns they are related to the company developed into a large urban community and is very different with its own language, organization, customs, and creative expression, as well as displaying technical entrepreneurship. Two nominated works represent a distinctive culture.Criterion (iv): This saltpeter mine in northern Chile together became the largest producer of natural saltpeter in the world, transforming the Pampa and indirectly benefited from the agricultural land which the work produced fertilizers. Two works represent the transformation process.
The development of saltpeter industry reflects the combined knowledge, skills, technology, and financial investment from a diverse community of people brought together from all over South America and from Europe. Saltpeter industry became a large complex of cultural exchange in which ideas quickly absorbed and exploited. The two works represent this process. Saltpeter mines and cities associated company developed into a large urban community and is very different with its own language, organization, customs and creative expression, as well as displaying technical entrepreneurship. Saltpeter mine in northern Chile together became the largest producers of natural saltpeter in the world, transforming the Pampa and indirectly benefited from the agricultural land which the work produced fertilizers. Two works represent the process of cultural transformation and the resulting characteristic.The two abandoned saltpeter works located at Pampa Tamarugal and 1.5 km apart, separated by Route A16. Saltpeter (sodium nitrate) deposits are found in arid, desert Altiplano at the northern tip of Chile, in Tarapacá and Antofagasta regions - Pampa, which is one of the driest deserts in the world with almost no annual rainfall, and large temperature differences between day and night Pampa porous filter water down from the Andes Mountains. Ridge near the beach, the water formed a small lake in the impermeable granite-like rocks, giving rise to 'salt pan' as a result of evaporation of water, and 'burping' bed in the gap between hard and soft rocks.Saltpeter mining begins at the foot of the eastern edge of the Coastal Range, the first for manufacturing explosives and then more profitable as a fertilizer is exported to all over the world. Opposing extremes of climate, 200 worked for saltpeter mines and processes, with the towns to house workers and trains to transport the powder to the beach, set up in an intensive period of about 50 years from 1880. Level of deposits and high grade and thickness of blood vessels to burp changed Pampa main producer of natural nitrates in the world. During the 1920s, competition from synthetic nitrates in Europe led to the closure of many works and 1933 most of the industry has come to a stop almost complete. The Humberstone and Santa Laura works belching two who has managed to survive some of the asset stripping that followed the decline in nitrate industry. None of the buildings now used apart from a few bathrooms that have been restored to the use of visitors and reception hall.Together they represent the technical and social systems that create great wealth and prosperity for some and difficult for others to live communally. The Pampinos, those who lived in Pampa, is now seen as a forerunner in the social struggle for better working conditions, and their distinctive culture and creative celebrated in print and film.Sources: UNESCO / CLT / WHC

From the pre-Hispanic times customary in the area, Atacamenos and Inca, nitrate used as fertilizer, excavation and grinding saltpeter and spread on fields.The first European to be used for saltpeter explosives. Minerals are mined and shipped on donkeys to Lima to be processed into powder mesiu.Kenaikan demand for explosives in the late 18th century led to the exploration of new fields in northern Chile and the discovery of a layer of Tarapaca. At around the same time, a German scientist, Thadeus Haencke, find ways to produce potassium nitrate. Saltpeter works of the first opened in 1810. This is a small-scale individual operators that are extracted and crushed material by hand, simply boiled in vats and left it in the sun to evaporate. The first shipment was made to the United Kingdom in the 1820s and into the United States and France in 1830, all for use in explosives.Fertilising properties are found in Europe in the 1830s and demand began to rebound due to the production of cereals began to spread to the beautiful land in the United States, Argentina and Russia. Fertilizers are also beginning to be used for drinking coffee in Brazil, sugar in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Chile became the world's major producer of natural nitrates. What changed the scale and scope of work is a new processing technique developed by Pedro Gamboni Chile in 1853 to dissolve the saltpeter. These owners are encouraged to install fixed equipment: boilers, troughs etc and expand the house for workers. The second factor is the improvement of transport: train to arrive in the second half of the 19th century, transportation to the beach on a horse a donkey load limit industrial scale. Train fire spread rapidly, funded by private investment: by 1905 there are 1787 km track and in 1913, 5,000 miles.In 1879 the so-called War saltpeter involving Chile, Bolivia and Peru (which supports Bolivia) gave Chile the industry dominance. After encouraging European investment and this in turn acts as a trigger a surge in the nation's economy. With saltpeter 1890 accounted for 50% of total revenues; in 1913 80% of all exports.First World War brought terrible consequences for manufacturers burp. Sea routes became unsafe and Germany, one of the largest importers, began developing his own saltpeter based synthetic ammonia. However, as European investors retreat, increased participation of Chile. However, demand continues to decline and although the rearrangement, the creation of Chile saltpeter Company (COSACH) is divided between state and private investors, and new production system, which allows the use of low grade ore, the market did not improve and COSACH already ditutup.Dengan 1930 only 10% ofnitrate in the world comes from Chile and this has dropped to 3% in 1950. COSACH's successor, COSATAN, which has a monopoly of saltpetre, lasted until 1961. Peru Nitrate Company built works saltpeter Humberstone, originally known as La Palma, in 1862. Until 1889, it was one of the largest mines in nitre-Tarapacá zone with about 3,000 penduduk.Dengan economic crisis affecting all of the production of sodium nitrate, La Palma is closed will reopen in 1933 under the ownership COSACH and bearing a name with a known current , saltpeter works Humberstone, Humberstone in honor of chemical engineers. Between 1933 and 1940 the operation expanded, new buildings are built around the Market Square and the population reached 3,700 people.Work Santa Laura, built ten years after Humberstone in 1872 by the Company 'Barra Risco y', is smaller and only 450 families in 1920. After facing a crisis in a row, also taken over by COSATAN.In 1959 COSATAN were injured and two papers eventually closed. The works are auctioned in 1961. Both were bought by the same individual for scrap. In order to avoid them destroyed, properties declared a national monument in 1970. It's not drastic enough to stop the damage, burglary and vandalism and some demolition.After the owner went bankrupt, in 1995 the properties were under the control of the 'Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales' (Ministry of National Assets) and they have assigned them for a period of thirty years to the Museum of saltpeter Corporation, a non-profit organization, which has taken over management.Sources: Evaluation Advisory Body

Samarra archaeological city one of the proofs of religious civilization of Islam

Evidence of the religion of Islam spread civilization with an area of ​​one of them in the presence of Samarra archaeological city, this site needs to be maintained properly keaslianya, so as to give civilization that occurred at that time.

Samarra Archaeological City is the site of a powerful Islamic capital city which ruled over the province of the Abbasid Empire extending from Tunisia to Central Asia for a century. Located on both sides of the River Tigris 130 km north of Baghdad, the length of the site from north to south is 41.5 km, width varies from 8 km to 4 km. This proves the architectural and artistic innovations that developed there and spread to other areas of the Islamic world and beyond. Great Mosque of the 9th century and spiral towers that are among the many remarkable architectural monuments of the site, 80% of which remains to be explored.

The ancient capital of Samarra dating 836-892 provides outstanding evidence of the Abbasid Caliphate, which is the main period of the Islamic empire, stretching from Tunisia to Central Asia. This is the only Islamic capital that retains surviving the initial plan, architecture and art, such as mosaics and carvings. Samarra has the best preserved plan of an ancient city, which was left relatively early and avoid the constant rebuilding of the city lasted longer.
Samarra was the second capital of the Abbasid Caliphate after Baghdad. After the loss of monuments of Baghdad, Samarra was the only physical trace of the Caliphate at its peak.
The city maintains two of the largest mosque (Al-Malwiya and Abu Dulaf) and the tower of the most unusual, and the biggest palaces in the world of Islam (Caliphate Palace Qasr al-Khalifa, Al-Ja'fari, Al-Ma 'shuq, and others- other). Carved stucco known as the Samarra style was developed there and spread to other parts of the Islamic world at that time. A new type of ceramic known as Lustre Ware was also developed in Samarra, imitating equipment made from precious metals like gold and silver.
Criterion (ii): Samarra is a distinguished architectural stage in the Abbasid period based on the mosques, construction, road and basin planning, architectural decoration, and industrial ceramics.
Criterion (iii): Samarra is the best preserved examples of architecture and urban planning Abbasid Caliphate, stretching from Tunisia to Central Asia, and one of the world's great strength in this period. Physical remnants of this empire are usually poorly preserved because they are often built of brick and reusable bricks were not fired.
Criterion (iv): The buildings of Samarra is a new artistic concept in Islamic architecture at Abu Dulaf Malwiya and mosques, in the form of a unique example in capacity, planning and construction of Islamic mosques compared with those who preceded and succeeded it. In large dimensions and unique minarets, mosques show pride and political power and religion in accordance with the strength and pride of the empire at that time.
Since the war in Iraq began in 2003, this property has been occupied by multi-national forces that use it as a theater for military operations.
Conditions of integrity and authenticity seems to have been met, with the evaluation as far as possible without the technical assessment mission. Once abandoned by the Caliphate, occupation in some areas near the core of the modern city but most of the remaining area is left until the early 20th century. Partially preserved archaeological sites, with the losses caused primarily by plowing and cultivation, small compared with other major sites. Restoration work has been in accordance with international standards.
The boundaries of the core and buffer zones seems both realistic and adequate. Prior to the current hostilities, States Parties to protect the site from intrusion, whether agricultural or urban areas, under the Act of Archaeology. Protective procedure has been suspended since 2003 and a major risk to property arising from the inability of the responsible authorities to exercise control over the management and conservation of the site.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park

Hi lovers of nature, flora and fauna, the beauty of the types that are very interesting to learn.Coming to Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park meets these demands will then see the authenticity of nature that is still awake, this national park is one haven for flora and fauna that complements this life. The importance of this park comes from the wealth of flora and fauna. Vast savannahs are home to various species: black rhinoceroses, elephants, cheetahs, leopards, wild dogs, red-fronted deer and buffalo, while various types of waterfowl can be found in the northern floodplain.

With an area of ​​1.74 million ha, Manovo-Gounda St Floris is the largest park in the savannas of Central Africa. Straddles two ecological zones, Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park owes importance to rich flora and fauna. It is home to many endangered species including black rhinos, elephants, hippos and deer and red-fronted large concentration of herbivores.
This park is an interesting example of a "crossroads" where species of savanna communities of East and West Africa, as well as people from the community forest, southern cross paths. Park is a valuable area to study environmental changes occurring throughout the Sahel and Sudan under pressure from drought and overgrazing.
          The Manovo Gounda St Floris National Park contains outstanding natural formations. Park across the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudano-Guinean zone biogeografis.Ini results in a variety of habitats from grassy plains in the north to savanna with gallery forests in the south. This property includes the entire watersheds of three major rivers (Manovo, Koumbala and Gounda) with grassy flood plains and land interspersed with inselbergs basah.Dataran granitary small, to the south, rugged sandstone massif of the Bongos.

This park is very spacious, surrounded by the hunt and with functional corridors to Bamingui-Bangoran National Park, protecting the largest savanna of Central Africa. This is a unique example of this type of ecosystem, home to viable populations of different species typical of this part of Africa and others from the East and West Africa.
Criterion (x): wildlife park reflects the position of transition between East and West Africa, the Sahel and the rainforest. It contains the richest fauna of countries, including about 57 species of mammals that have been well protected in the past. In this respect, resembles the East African savannas are rich.

Several large mammal species of conservation importance in terms of life in the Park, such as black rhinos, elephants, hippos, red-fronted gazelle (here in the southern limit of range), lions, leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs. There is a large concentration of herbivores, including buffalo, Buffon KOB, Waterbuck, and red hartebeest. Some 320 species of birds have been recorded in the park, which at least 25 species of raptors.Flood plains in the north of the Park most adequate for water birds, and shoebill has been observed in the National Park.

With a total area of ​​1.74 million ha, the Park is almost entirely surrounded by game reserves and Aouk Ouandija-Vakaga-Aoukalé (480 000 ha and 330,000 ha), which provides effective protection against threats to the properties of the surrounding area.Other hunting areas and reserves are also connected with the property, so in a contiguous area of ​​80,000 km2 of protected areas. The property is large enough to ensure the survival of the species.
However, the integrity of the Park is a cause of concern because of various threats, in particular hunting (especially of rhino, elephant and giraffe) and grazing. The lack of protection and land management actions are also recorded at the time of inscription the property.

This site has National Park status. It is governed by the Wildlife Protection Code of 1984 in which the national legislation on the management of protected areas is based. At the time of inscription, the National Park is managed by a private company (MANOVA SA) which benefited from government contracts to manage situs.Taman is then regarded as the best-managed protected area of ​​the country.
Today, conservation is under the authority of the Department of Water and Forests, Hunting and Fishing, with a structure consisting of the Chief of Staff, Director General of Water, Forests, Hunting and Fisheries, Director of Wildlife and Protected Areas, regional directors, site managers and conservators of national . Two bases (MANOVA and Gordil) located next to the Garden, to the east and west, but only the former really fungsional.Tindakan anti-poaching mainly governed from this basis, limited by a lack of personnel, means of transport and insecurity prevailing in the Park .
The area is sparsely populated. However, nomadic herders from the Nyala region of Sudan and from Chad, with 30-40000 cows, enter the park each winter - the dry season grazing stops on their traditional seasonal migration routes. There are also scattered and limited agricultural activities within the National Park.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

The development of jazz, hard bop.

The fans of jazz, in the era of this music in 2000 began to tune up to foreign countries, the strains of classic music that is perfect in a relaxed moment listening, jazz music was born from the tradition of mixed African and European music, from early development to the present, jazz has incorporated music from music of the 19th century and the 20th American popular. West African pedigree is clear in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and swing notes. From its beginnings in the early 20th century jazz has spawned a variety of subgenres: New Orleans Dixieland dating from the early 1910s, big band-style swing from the 1930s and 1940s, bebop from the mid-1940s, free jazz, hard bop and various fusijazz Latin, such as Afro-Cuban, from the 1950s and 1960s, the jazz fusion of 1970's, acid jazz of the 1980s (which combines funk and hip-hop elements), and jazz nupada the 1990s. As the music has spread around the world that has attracted padaberbagai local music culture, regional and national cause for many many tahundengan typical style. But at this time I will discuss the music that is inserted into the hard bop jazz music. First we must know what it is hard bop, hard bop is an extension of bebop (or "bop") music that incorporates influences from rhythm and blues, gospel music, and blues, especially in the saxophone and piano playing. Hard bop was developed in the mid-1950s, partly as a response to the fashion for cool jazz in the early 1950s. Hard bop style come together in 1953 and 1954, in line with the rise of rhythm and blues. "Performance" Walkin 'Miles Davis', the title song from his album the same year, at the first Newport Jazz Festival in 1954, the style of announcing to the world of jazz. Quintet Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, fronted by Blakey and featuring pianist Horace Silver and the playerstrumpeter Clifford Brown, is a leader in the hard bop movement along with Davis. Hard bop was associated with the East coast, as opposed to the West coast cool jazz.Initially, the main difference between bebop and hard bop is that both contain the Gospel a more open and blues influences, both in rhythm and harmony. Furthermore, hard bop compositions tend to be based on the original chord changes and blues progressions rather than just pop songs, and hard bop musicians were more likely to create a setting that is used several horns in harmony, both during head and riffs as a distraction or during the solo. Recordings made by the seminal hard bop combo led by drummer Art Blakey and pianist Horace Silver in the 1950's. This group eventually became known as the Jazz Messengers, and after leaving the group Silver, Blakey continued to lead it during the next forty years, with players constantly changing musicians muda.Berikut are excerpts of recordings featuring Silver and Blakey who emphasize the influence of the gospel. For some critics, hard bop is basically defined the term as a musical group. It is also generally acknowledged that those who played with the group playing hard bop when leading their own groups as well. For example, Lee Morgan played trumpet with Blakey for several years during the 1960s, and he made several recordings under his own name has a sound similar to the Apostles. The hard bop term has come to include the influence of gospel music without the overt or the composition of typical genre. The main quality that distinguishes this music from bebop to play solos that rely less on skill and that takes more than vocal approach. For example, the following recordings with saxophonist Sonny Rollins is considered by many to be a hard bop. Hard bop seemed very suitable for singing. One very interesting vocal technique that is often associated with hard bop known as vocalese. In vocalese, jazz solo lyricist took note and wrote the words for it. Often, syllables went so fast that they sing is a real challenge, creating additional excitement beyond its own line of melody or lyrics. Vocal trio Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross is one of the most popular jazz group vocals, combining gospel-like harmonies with hard bop vocalese technique. Music is known as the "jazz soul" exploitation of gospel music more than most keras.Istilah bop "funk" was originally used to describe this music, although the term has come to take another meaning. While jazz soul gospel contains a greater content, often using other forms of simple composition than most of the hard bop. The Hammond B-3 organ which often replaces the piano (and sometimes bass) in the soul jazz combo, and indeed, the organ music exemplifies the spirit of jazz. Here is an example of recordings featuring soul jazz organist Jimmy Smith. 

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Traditional popular music quotes, Guzheng, Koto, Yatga.

          In the art of playing music instrument, there are various tools in the world of music is very well known, one stringed music instrument of China Guzheng. Currently Guzheng much in demand because of the strains of music coming out of each passage gives a sense of calm, peace for pendengaranya. Guzheng or Chinese lute including Chinese traditional musical instrument of the most popular. Guzheng has a convex shape like a box made of wood as the voice box, stretched 21 strings on it. In the middle of the string is placed a booster that can be shifted to increase or decrease the frequency of the tone. The strings in the set on Chinese pentatonic melodies consisting of tone: do, re, mi, sol and la.Guzheng is played by plucking. Fingers to strum using the tools of artificial nails made of tortoise shell or plastic. The right hand is generally used to play the melody, while the left hand is used to play the chord. There are many techniques used in playing the Guzheng, including basic revoke actions (right or both hands) on the right and pressing the action on the left (with left hand to produce decorative pitch and vibrato) as well as tremolo (right hand). Plucking is done mainly by the right hand with four plectra (choose) that sticks to your fingers. Advanced players can use a pick attached to the fingers of both hands. In a more traditional show, however, plectra used solely on the right hand, reflecting its use for melodic purposes and its relative importance compared with the left hand is used solely for the purpose of ornamentation. Famous pieces of instruments including Yu Zhou Chang Wan (Singing at night on a fishing boat), Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water), Mei Hua San Nong (Three variations of the theme of Plum Blossom) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (During the season Han palace autumn moon). Two broad playing styles (schools) can be identified as North and South, although many traditional regional styles still exist. Northern style is associated with the Henan and Shandong while the Southern style is with the Chaozhou and Hakka area of ​​eastern Guangdong. Both Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (Han palace autumn moon) comes from the Shandong school, while Han ya xi shui (Winter Crows Playing in the Water) and Chu shui lian (Lotus Blossoms Emerging of water) is a major part of the Chaozhou and Hakka repertories respectively. Contemporary experimental atonal pieces have been compiled since the 1980s. A more modern playing techniques is to use his left hand to give a harmonious and bass notes, heavily influenced by music theory Barat.Hal This allows greater flexibility in the range of musical instruments, allowing for harmonious development. But this also has limitations, because it prevents subtle decoration is provided by the left hand in the traditional music. Students who take the exam from the Guzheng Beijing Conservatory is necessary to study the repertoire of traditional and modern pieces.

 Not only in China, a stringed musical instrument is a derivative of Guzheng koto. Koto (筝) is a traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument, similar to the Chinese Guzheng, Koto
is the national instrument of Japan. Koto about 180 cm, length, and made of wood left(Paulownia tomentosa). They have 13 strings are strained more than 13 bridges moving along the width of the instrument. Players can adjust the pitch of the string withmove this bridge before playing, and use your fingers to take three (on the thumb, forefinger and middle finger) to pluck the strings. Modern Koto from gakusō used in Japanese court music. This is the instrument popular among the rich; koto considered a romantic instrument. Some literary and historical records indicate that there are pieces of solo koto sōkyoku centuries before, the music of solo koto genre was established.According to the literature of Japan, the koto is used as an image and other extra-musical meaning. In one part of "The Tales of Genji (Genji monogatari)", Genji falls deeply in love with a mysterious woman, who he has never seen before, after he heard her playing koto from a distance. For each part of the koto no traditional name that connects with the opinion that the body of a koto-like dragon. Name to the top because it's "Dragonshell" (Ryuko / 竜 甲) (asian dragon is believed to have a shell like a turtle), the bottom is called "Dragonstomach" (Ryuhara / 竜 腹), one end of the koto, seen as a colorful fabricshell removeable, known as "Dragonhead". The "Dragonhead" consists of "Dragonhorns" (Ryukaku / 竜 角), "Dragontongue" (Ryushita / 竜 舌) and so on. The bottom of the koto implies "Dragontail" and Sky Chair (Tenmiyo / 天 御 代) or Cloudhorns (Kumokaku / 云 角), wooden pillow descriptions for strings. In the older pop and rock music, David Bowie uses the koto in "Moss Garden" piece instrumental album "Heroes". Multi-instrumentalist, founder and former guitarist of The Rolling Stones' Brian Jones playing the koto on the song Take It Or Leave It, the album Aftermath, 1966. Paul Gilbert, a popular guitar virtuosoist, recorded his wife, Emi playing the koto on "Koto Girl" song from the album Alligator Farm.Kagrra rock band, famous for the use of traditional Japanese musical instruments in many of their songs, an example of "Utakata" (うたかた), a song where the koto has a prominent place. Winston Tong, singer with Tuxedomoon, using the 15-minute song, "Hunger" from his debut solo album rock bands uses theoretical Cina.Ratu (toy) koto in "The Prophet Song" on their 1975 album A Night at the Opera. 1999 album Dr. Dre in 2001 Chronic usually have synthesized koto on two tracks - "Still DRE" and "The Message". David Horvitz play an instrument in the setting of contemporary indie rock scene on the album Xiu Xiu, The Air Force. Koto on Western musical influences are also seen in jazz. "In-sen" scale, a scale of five notes, was first introduced to jazz by John Coltrane and McCoy Tyner [citation needed] (another koto player) and is based on the tuning of the koto. Jazz pianist Dave Brubeck composed "Koto Song" that, while not showing itself koto, played to allow the piano to imitate his voice. June Kuramoto of the jazz fusion group Hiroshima is one of the first players to popularize the koto koto in non-traditional fusion style. Reiko Obata, the founder of East West Jazz band, is the first to perform and record an album of jazz standards featuring koto. Obata also produced for the first time the English language koto instructional DVD "You Can Play Koto". Brett Larner is also active in jazz, recording a duet CD with legendary saxophonist and composer Anthony Braxton.

           Other stringed music instrument derived from the Guzheng is yatga of Mongolia. Yatga can vary greatly in size, tuning the amount, and the bridge and strings; body is a long wooden box, one end sloping to bawah.Pelaku plucks the string with the finger nails right hand, left hand used to press the strings, the various records The left hand can also be used to play a basic string with no pinch. Depending on the style of the high string is taken by finger or by selecting.          The most commonly used types of contemporary yatga is twenty-one-stringed versi.tipe yatga also called "Master Yatga." The length of full-size instrument 1.62m or 63 inches.Shorter versions of the high-pitched. 13-string version called "Gariin Yatga" (Yatga Hand).Historically, twelve-string version is used in the palace for symbolic reasons: twelve string associated with the twelve levels of the palace hierarchy. The common people should play in yatga 10-strings. The use of version 12 or more strings that are provided to the court and the monasteries. Janggar traditional Mongolian epic tells the story of a young princess who never played on a 800-string yatga with 82 bridges;. He should just play on the seven bridges is lower.Playing techniques yatga One end is placed on the knee yatga actors, the other end will be on the floor or will be included on the stand. Some players prefer to put yatga on two feet.This instrument will be placed in a higher position the strings on the right side and front, and will be played only on the right side of the bridge. Pitch of the string can also be varied by moving the bridge. Because the two records are missing should be no space between brigges of E and G strings, and also some space between A and C strings. The instruments are tuned by mechanics hidden on the right side yatga it. After setting the basic instrument is set by the bridge. Players can vary the pitch or tone of a note by one half when pressing the left side of the string with half of the road.